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Sessions by Track

BLM Helium Status

Tuesday, April 24  |  1:45 pm – 2:45 pm |  Maryland 1   

This session will be briefed by an employee of the Bureau of Land Management, within the Department of Interior, and provide status of the sale of the Federal Helium Reserve, and speak to world-wide helium supply and demand.


Aerospace Energy Future Operations

Tuesday, April 23  |  3:00 pm – 4:00 pm  |  Maryland 1   

This is an opportunity for vendors and customers to hear about upcoming procurements. Aerospace Energy will talk about the products, their usage, location, and timeframes of when procurements for these items will come out.​


Aerospace Energy DFSPs & Inventory Accountability 

Tuesday, April 23  |  1:45 pm – 2:45 pm |  Maryland 1   

This session will be going into the specifics of the different Aerospace Energy products that are stored. This will be DFSP/EASP management, supply planning, inventory accountability, and how products are stored and brought into storage off of contracts.

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