Exhibit Hall Overview
Be the first to see the most innovative solutions to today's energy challenges. The DLA Energy Worldwide Energy Conference exhibit hall provides an unparalleled opportunity to meet face-to-face with 100+ exhibitors and hear first-hand about the latest products and services available to assist the DoD fuels community in meeting our various missions.
If it’s essential to the federal energy sector, you'll find it at the DLA Energy Worldwide Energy Conference:
Bulk Petroleum Fuels: Contracting, distributing, transporting and providing inventory control of bulk fuels, including commercial and military specification jet and distillate fuels as well as lubricants and fuel additives
Facilities & Distribution Management: Worldwide fuel terminal operations; military construction and modernization programs; storage and acquisition programs; environmental support and laboratory testing
Facility Energy: Natural gas, electricity and coal needs along with renewable energy and energy savings performance contracts for DoD and federal civilian customers; pre- and post-award contracting and technical expertise for Service partners privatizing government-owned utility systems of water, wastewater, electric, thermal, and natural gas under authority of Title 10 U.S.C. § 2688
Direct Delivery Fuels: Worldwide acquisition and integrated materiel management of fuels including ground fuels, specialty fuels, into-plane and ships’ bunker fuels; retail integration and purchasing cards
Aerospace Energy: Missile fuels, propellants, chemicals and gases
There’s simply no better place to get up close and hands-on with today’s most innovative technologies and solutions from leaders in the commercial marketplace.
Exhibit Hall Hours
Monday, April 22
4:00 pm – 4:30 pm
Ribbon Cutting Ceremony & Opening
4:30 pm – 6:00 pm
Opening Reception in the Hall
Tuesday, April 23
10:30 am – 5:00 pm
Wednesday, April 24
9:00 am – 2:00 pm