About DLA Energy
Who is DLA Energy?
The Defense Logistics Agency is the Nation’s combat logistics support agency responsible for sourcing and providing nearly every consumable item used by our military forces worldwide. DLA Energy is a DLA major subordinate command responsible for providing the Department of Defense and other government agencies with comprehensive energy solutions in the most effective and efficient manner possible.
DLA Energy provides commercial and military ground, marine and aviation fuels, as well as space and missile propellants, chemicals and gases, natural gas and electricity. In addition, DLA Energy serves as the integrated material manager for DoD’s bulk petroleum supply chain and supports many other energy-related commodities and services for its customers, including:
Natural gas
Compressed gases
Liquid propellants
Utility services
U.S. government fuel card programs
Alternative fuels
Renewable energy
Quality and technical support
Defense fuel support point management
DLA Energy Quick Facts
DLA Energy is the executive agent for bulk petroleum
DLA Energy had approximately $11.9 billion in sales in fiscal 2019
DLA Energy issued a total of 3.9 billion gallons of fuel in fiscal 2019, which included:
2,189 posts, camps, and stations locations in 92 countries
145 bunker contract locations in 26 countries
452 into-plane contract locations in 87 countries
31 alongside aircraft refueling locations
Aerospace Energy provided liquid propellants, cryogens and compressed gasses to approximately 300 customers
Supports U.S. Air Force and numerous commercial launch and space programs
Natural Gas program delivered more than 50 million dekatherms to more than 200 customers in fiscal 2019
Provides 1.9 million megawatt hours of renewable power to multiple customers per year
Manages 16.3 million megawatt hours of electricity valued at more than $790 million under multiple year contracts
Has energy savings performance contracts at multiple locations with a total estimated savings of more than $1 billion
Privatized 154 utility systems at 64 locations in fiscal 2019
Provided 390,000 tons of coal for various DoD locations in the U.S. valued at more than $34 million in fiscal 2019
Has 38 International Agreements worldwide
Supports research and development projects
DLA Energy-managed fuel cards supported 364 million gallons of fuel valued at more than $1.3 billion in fiscal 2019
DLA Energy Worldwide Locations
To learn more about the agency, its contracts and pricing, and everything its people do for its customers, visit www.dla.mil/energy.